Last updated: 08/25/2014

Template Variable Reference

{{ order.code }} Service Order Number 1212345
{{ }} Name of customer Johnny Appleseed
{{ order.customer.fullname }} Full name of customer (including company name) Johnny Appleseed, Pretendco Inc
{{ order.customer.street_address }} Customer street address Sesame str 12
{{ }} Customer city Helsinki
{{ order.customer.get_country_display }} Human-friendly name of customer country Finland
{{ order.customer.zip_code }} Customer postal code 12345
{{ order.created_at }} Creation timestamp of order 2014-08-25 18:29:02
{{ order.status_name }} Current status name Awaiting parts
{{ }} Serial number of first device in the order W874939YX92
{{ order.get_first_device.description }} Description of first device in the order MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2ghz)
{{ order.get_first_device.purchased_on }} Purchase date of first device in the order 2012-09-22
{{ order.gross_total }} Total of order with taxes 0,0
{{ order.net_total }} Total of order without taxes 0,0
{{ order.gross_total|currency }} Total of order with taxes and currency EUR 0,0
{{ order.user.full_name }} Full name of technician responsible for repair Filipp Lepalaan
{{ }} Email address of technician responsible for repair filipp@
{{ order.location.title }} Name of order's current location Location A
{{ }} Phone number of order's current location 0123456789
{{ }} Email address of order's current location
{{ order.location.description }} Opening hours of order's current location 9-18
{{ order.created_by }} Name of user who created the order Filipp Lepalaan